Storage Cost Calculator

The Storage Cost Calculator is a decision-support tool for those who want to understand the complex cost structures surrounding storage and storage systems. We have asked three basic questions that will help you make better decisions. Do you want to buy new storage hardware or do you still want to keep your existing system? Just follow the instructions in the form.

Calculation methods and data sources

  • Costs per terabyte comes from Gartner, Inc. “IT Key Metrics Data 2019: Key Infrastructure Measures: Storage Analysis”.
  • The Maintenance costs are assumed to be 12% of the purchase value.
  • When calculating raw capacity to usable storage, we used an average value of 46%. Depending on raid and configuration there are up to 10% deviations.
  • The prices quoted are purely calculated values and may vary depending on the manufacturer, type, model and size. If you would like to have a concrete offer, please fill out the form and send it to us.

The tool is unfortunately not very fast, so please have a little patience, it is a prototype.