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  • The Silent Burden Of AI-Forbes

Hardwarewarung 24 publishes its 3rd Forbes article

On 16.08.2024, the third article by Hardwarewartung 24 was published in Forbes magazine. The article “The Silent Burden Of AI: Unveiling The Hidden Environmental Costs Of Data Centers By 2030” examines how the increasing use of AI is impacting the environment, particularly in terms of data center energy consumption. By 2030, the energy demand

By |2025-01-16T09:05:22+00:0016.8.2024|
  • Utra Updates Artikel über Hardwarewartung 24

Hardwarewarung 24 featured in Ultra Updates

The tech magazine Ultra Updates featured an article about on 04.08.2024. The article “How Much AI is Needed for TPM Third Party Maintenance” highlights how AI increases service efficiency in the field of third-party maintenance, for example through chatbots, predictive maintenance and logistics automation. It emphasizes that the use of AI particularly facilitates

By |2025-01-16T09:06:25+00:004.8.2024|
  • Artikel auf Business Insider über

Hardwarewarung 24 gefeatured in Business Insider

On 02.07.2024, Business Insider published an article about and its contribution to the Green IT movement. The article “Hardwarewartung Extending Server Lifecycles: A Powerful Strategy for Significant Emission Reduction” describes how achieves CO₂ and energy savings by extending server lifecycles. Each additional year of use saves around 0.5 tons of CO₂ and 2500

By |2025-01-16T09:07:36+00:002.7.2024|
  • Kurier Artikel vom 10.05.2024

Hardwarewartung 24 gefeatured in Kurier

On 10.05.2024, the Austrian daily newspaper Kurier published an article about Hardware Maintenance 24. The article “Die Ökodesign-Richtlinie: Ein Meilenstein für die Green-IT Bewegung” describes how the 2021 EU directive represents an important step towards sustainability in the IT sector through extended product lifetimes and increased availability of spare parts. Third-party maintenance providers such

By |2025-01-16T09:09:43+00:0010.5.2024|
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